Our acts

Mej. Diggel

All tiles are shattered, But  now we can make a mosaic stattue

the signpost

Did he lost the way or you ? Lets find it together


Metal is heavy. But you can also stick magnets on Metal. So why not give it a try? Because even with rusted iron this is really possible

Silent or not(2018)

Are they standing still or are they moving? Wait look … no not. By the way, you dare to press the red button… probably not.


Dragonstrokes… What is in the chest? If you are allowed to see it, you should not tell it further. Because these beings would rather not be noticed. Fortunately, they are well guarded, just like the egg. By strong and smart guards, who also play strokes.

All tied up

Beware they are tied, but they also love buttons. and those of visitors in particular

Measuring is knowing

They measure everything. theywant to know for sure. How long you are, how long you stay and… Well, justgive it a try. Come closer

Silent or not


ssst just look

*This act can no longer be booked

The shoe polishers

a shoe polisher and his customer

*This act can no longer be booked